
Pri-matrix Factorization - Benchmark

How about some deep learning to identify wild animals in camera traps? Here's a benchmark post to get contributors started in our newest challenge.

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How the Concept to Clinic challenge uses Docker for reproducibility and orchestration

Ensuring easy setup of the application stack and efficient segmentation of the various components of the Concept to Clinic challenge is precisely where Docker excels, especially when used with Docker Compose, its tool for declaring and orchestrating multiple services. In this post, we'll dive into some background on Docker and explain how we're using it in the Concept to Clinic challenge.

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Interview with Concept to Clinic contributor Willi Gierke (@WGierke)

We had an e-chat to learn more about prolific Concept to Clinic challenge contributor Willi Gierke (@WGierke)

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Random walk of the penguins

The goal of this data science competition was to reach out to the data science community to build a model that predicts penguin populations.

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Now live: a new kind of data challenge

Just this week we launched a new $100,000 challenge where competition-tested algorithms are just the beginning.

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Random Walk of the Penguins - Benchmark

Penguins are so adorable! Here's our first pass at predicting penguin populations in Antarctica.

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DengAI: Predicting Disease Spread - Benchmark

We're launching a new competition to forecast the spread of dengue.

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Why Elections Are a Terrible Showcase for Data Science

The 2016 election was a bad showcase for the powers of data science.

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Trying to Get It Right when Everyone was Wrong

The best we can do with the polls.

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America's Next Top (Statistical) Model - Benchmark

We're launching a new competition for forecasting the 2016 presidential election.

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Meet the winners of the safe aging challenge

See how DrivenData's Top Modelers managed to predict activities from sensor data

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SciPy 2016: "Data Science is Software" tutorial

Video footage of Peter and Isaac from their pilgrimage to SciPy 2016

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Visualizing a Future for Fog Nets

Meet the folks who used their data visualization and modeling skills to help Dar Si Hamd!

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There's no place like $HOME

We're launching a new competition for safe aging at home generously sponsored by AARP Foundation

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Building the best naïve bees classifier!

These are the people who were best able to distinguish honeybees from bumblebees and how they did it.

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Cloudy with a chance of models

We're excited to launch a new competition with our partner Dar Si Hmad and sponsor Tableau Foundation.

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Announcing the results of our Keeping It Fresh competition

See who kept it the freshest — meet the winners of the Keeping It Fresh competition.

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Bumble bee or honey bee?

We're excited to launch a new comeptition with our partner Metis. The question at hand is: can you identify a bee as a honey bee or a bumble bee?

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An interview with "Countable Care" winner Gilberto Titericz Jr.

We got a chance to hear from Gilberto Titericz Jr., our Countable Care 1st place finisher. He answered some of our questions about himself, the competition, and data science in general.

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From raw Yelp reviews to a model of hygiene violations (in 3 easy steps)

We were so excited about our new civic innovation competition we couldn't help but get started ourselves! The goal for this competition is to use data from Yelp restaurant reviews to narrow the search for health code violations in Boston. Competitors will have access to historical hygiene violation records from the City of Boston — a leader in open government data — and Yelp's consumer reviews. The challenge: Figure out the words, phrases, ratings, and patterns that predict violations, and help public health inspectors do their job better.

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